Sometimes, Those That’re Closest To You Are The Ones That Can Hurt You The Most

Getting attached and getting hurt, most of the time come together. That is why a separation is necessary.

To date, this is one of the hardest goodbye I ever have to bid in my life (with exaggeration at maximum). I have become so fond of these buddies ever since the time and day I’ve met them. However as I have become accustomed to their presence day after day, I did not realize that they would be hurting me little by little – to worst. I didn’t know that being dependent to them all those days would put me in the pain I’m in right now. It was so agonizing that I wailed to death. Perhaps aside from being hurt, I felt deeply betrayed – that the ones I trusted the most would only cause me torture. That the ones I depended on the most would only leave me unimaginable torment. But as I gradually accepted the hurtful truth, the pain turned tolerable – although it’s not fully gone. It’s still there. Bitterly reminding me that I shouldn’t have trusted with my all. Sadly, I have to cut ties now with my everyday buddies to prevent repeating what was done. I know I won’t  be able to withstand the next wave. I barely made it after the first one, to be honest. No exaggeration intended, I swear. It was painful as much as the definition of painful was concerned.

So to my ear buddies, dear cotton buds,  I’m saddened to see you go, but I have to do this. I know you have given me delight with all those days you’ve spent cleaning my ears – every single day. I know we have grown the closest as time passed by. We’ve been cleaning partners all along. And I know I was partially at fault because I allowed this to happen despite all the pieces of advise people gave me that it’s not good to have you all the days of the week. But I didn’t expect it to be this hurtful. It will be hard, since I will still see you everyday but I need to avoid you as much as I can. This is for my own good. I don’t want to be locked up in a hospital room again, crying and wailing because of too much pain, having pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs of different dosages injected on me. I have always hated hospitals, and the doctors who only show up because they are getting paid not because they are truly concerned of you. I have hated all the ingenuity of that place. I never wish to come back, for the same or whatever reason.

Goodbye now buddies. May we all find peace following this separation. 

And yep. I’m discharged from that prison now but I’m still in pain. I’m given sets of medication to take while I’m out and is expected to come back after a week for a follow up check up. Hopefully, I get over this. But seeing that I am already able to write this emotional yet nonsense post, I think I’m good now. I’m sorry to have wasted your time. I just wanted to write it this way for a change (?) Though I doubt I served that purpose well. So to those who have prayed for me and sent me ‘Get Well Soon’ messages, thank you!

P.S. Never will I use cotton buds again to clean my ears, as advised. Or would it be right if I don’t clean them at all? Kidding! And thankfully, I am not restricted to do swimming, diving and cliff jumping, yet. So life must still go on!


13 thoughts on “Sometimes, Those That’re Closest To You Are The Ones That Can Hurt You The Most

  1. Ha ha Not to aggravate you more because I smiled and giggled when as soon as I realized you were talking about cottonbuds……… I was in fact all ready to give you an emotional advice,….. however , it’s true about the earbuds, I’ve known that for quite a while. But hold on to your cottonbud buddies… you can still use them to clean small areas . like around your eyes.

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    1. Ahaha. I’m sorry to waste the emotional comment you were supposed to give Ren XD And yep, just gotta avoid using them again for my ears although I’d be very uncomfortable not having them cleaned using my usual method.


  2. I’m sorry you went through all this despair. I wish I could have comforted you over there but I stuck here :(. It must be really hard to say goodbye but you had to do what had to do. Sometimes, you have to do what’s right in your heart. I keep you in prayers and I hope you get better real soon. 🙂
    God bless you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is already more than comforting Matt! Don’t be sorry. I will always be thankful for your prayers and encouragement! Although it is indeed hard to get used to not having my ear buddies >//< I've played with them out of habit now I'm saying goodbye.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aw thanks. I don’t like hearing my friends being sad. I always want to do my best to make them happy. I may not be your ear buddy but I can be a buddy here, Twitter or email. You also got friends like Kira, Arria Cross, Shiroyuni and much more online. If only we can play with you in the real world. We love you! ❤ 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Sweet! Thank you! And yeah, I wish we could all meet up in the real world and hang out. That would be one of the best days ever in my existence. Maybe someday, just maybe. And I know you’re a friend I can always count on. Thanks Matt!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yeah that would be awesome if we all met in one area. Personally, this would also be the best day too. I would be able to meet my awesome friends like you in person. So thank you for being my friend Rose. 🙂


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